In an effort to divert my attention from lack of Easter Egg hunts this year, I began looking around my world for some real live eggs.   Eggs we have never seen before:  

The Yellow Egg:  This egg is our Mayor Egg (with a capital E), Shane Bemis, who has provided daily Facebook videos, information sessions, motivational seminars, concerts and just plain staying in touch.  We know how much energy and thought has to go into that and what a good egg he is for doing that day after day.

The Pink Egg:  This particular egg is named Michelle our Gresham Ford Covid-19 Coordinator who has striped the floors, handed out masks, installed hand sanitizers at every key location and is on constant vigilance for anything she sees not in line with the guidelines (she even has a binder).  She is a real strict egg.

The Blue Egg:  My dear husband Bob is a blue egg as he does not like “Sheltered In”.  However, he has been cooking the best meals ever…he goes out just long enough to stock-up from White’s Meats and then back to his crock pot & BBQ.  However, he even takes a break once in a while to order out for burritos! While I have always loved this egg, he has literally become the center of my universe.

The Purple Egg:  There are so many great purple eggs in our community.  People who are taking care of our needs when they would just like to be home on the couch like the rest of us.  These are the energizer bunnies who are stocking shelves, fixing the pluming, delivering the mail and responding to all those emergency calls.  The purple eggs are really golden!

The Green Eggs:  This past week our Community Bankers are the green eggs. They have been moving mountains to get their customers, who are small businesses, in line for the Federal funds.  We have seen firsthand that 24/7 are the new Banker’s Hours. Their only goal is to get the green to their communities!

We save our final good thoughts for all the medical workers who are really at the center of this.  We would trade all the eggs in the basket to make this go away but that not being possible – we pray for health and recovery for all those you serve and blessings to you that provide that care.