I see them on the corner with their cardboard sign and my heart breaks. I desperately want to help them, I think we all do, but what does that mean?
Will my money help them to lead a productive life, or will I further an addition?
Do they truly need help, or have they just found pan handling more lucrative than holding a job?
I’m Bess Wills at Gresham Ford and to be honest- finding a Christ honoring answer has tied me in knots for years.
For me, I’ve decided the best thing is to support the Portland Rescue Mission. EVERYDAY they feed the homeless a warm meal and the gospel. Portland Rescue Mission also provides temporary housing and an addition recovery program for when they’re ready to turn their lives around. $1.60 will provide a meal and give hope to one hungry soul. Join me in making a difference.
There’s no question — hungry people in Portland need your help this Thanksgiving season. Every single day, they come through the doors of the Portland Rescue Mission… people from all walks of life who have lost their way.
Your monthly gift of $9.60 gives meals and hope to entire table of 6 people who’ve lost their way. $24.00 would help 15 men and women with a meal and friendship every month. $48.00 would help even more, giving hope every day of the month to people hungry for a better life.
Whatever amount you can give, know that each person you help is deeply grateful that you’ve remembered them this Thanksgiving.