Yes, right now, right now!! They need help! Our local Food Pantry, SnowCap, is struggling to meet the need of folks that have lost their jobs and are still waiting for checks. This is exactly who they serve – working folks that just need a little hand up. The need has increased something like six-fold and they have been doing their best to serve all that show up. They are also working with people who are coming on behalf of a neighbor that can’t get out – as long as they can provide the neighbor’s name and address.

To illustrate the need, on Wednesday, April 8, they did not have enough canned fruits and vegetables to round out their boxes. To meet this need they are having to go out and shop for them. Yes, they welcome donations if you clean out your pantry, but those cans need to be quarantined for an appropriate amount of time to follow their already stringent guidelines. Needless to say, those have been intensified during this crisis.
So, this leads to this simple request – yes, a donation, and this can be any amount! Yes, $10 is certainly welcome. Please go to and make a contribution. The need has never been greater, and this will make a difference right here in our community! Other items that are in great demand are snack products (granola bars, etc.), baby food and formula. Another way to help is to just clip coupons for these items and mail them to SnowCap, P.O. Box 160, Fairview, OR 97024.
This is the worst of all storms. SnowCap’s Annual Dinner/Auction Fundraiser was scheduled for mid- March and canceled due to concern about COVID-19. Then, of course, as we all know, businesses were forced to lay off thousands due to closures. This in addition to the normal needs of East County, has made this an urgent need. Hope you can help!! And of course, if you need their help please go to SnowCap, 17805 SE Stark St, and get a food box – no one in our community should worry about food in this time of “Sheltering In”. If you have this kind of need and can’t get there, please give us a call here at Gresham Ford 503-665-0101. Together we can get through this!