Have You Been a Witness? Share your Catalytic Converter theft story with Gresham Ford.
I am on a mission to end the theft of catalytic converters in our community. I have heard from a couple of you and greatly appreciate you reaching out. Please contact me with your stories. I want to hear from folks that have had this happen to them, when, where and what kind of vehicle. Was a police report filed? Was there an investigation? Was someone prosecuted? To date, I have not found one prosecution for these thefts, yet they are rampant in our community.
What is happening with Catalytic Converters?
The Chronicle ran an article this past week stating that this is a National Problem so legislation must be at the National Level as State and Local laws just force the criminals across those boundaries to sell the precious metal involved in these thefts. The rare metals contained in these units are rhodium and palladium whose prices have soared due to supply chain issues. The price of rhodium spiked from $7,100 an ounce at the beginning of 2020 to $14,500 by the end of the year. Palladium jumped from $1,967 an ounce to $2,336 last year and reached $2,885 in May of 2021. So, simply put, these metals are more valuable than gold.
So, just like in the days of old when they were robbing the railroads of the gold on board, we need to take action and get investigations going to find out who is buying these metals. And as they say, follow the money! This is costing our Nation as well as our community untold millions of dollars in Insurance claims, but worse yet many people do not have the type of coverage to cover the loss or for many, the damage is more than the automobile is worth. So, this theft and vandalism, many times, strikes those that can least afford it. And in the end, it will cost us all more in Insurance Premiums. So please give me a call and tell me your story if you have had this happen to you 503-665-0102. Thank you!
What do Catalytic Converters do?
In simple terms, a catalytic converter takes harmful compounds created by your vehicle’s engine into safe gases like steam. If this chamber is missing or malfunctioning your vehicle will pollute much more into the environment. You will also fail DEQ.

How to protect yourself from Catalytic Converter Theft?
Park to Prevent Access If Possible
Ease of access to the underneath portion of your vehicle appears to be a big factor that theives see an an opportunity. If possible where you park can help to make your vehicle less of a target. If you had to climb under your car what would make it difficult? Just something to keep in mind. Parking in well lit areas and keeping your vehicle visible can provide additional safety.
Hybrid Vehicles are at a higher risk
If you have a hybrid pay special attention to these tips to avoiding catalytic converter theft. Hybrids contain a higher level of the precious metals and are cleaner too. Pure electric vehicles like the Mustang Mach-E do not have a gasoline engine and therefore do not have a catalytic converter. Hybrids are vehicles that take gas and can also be plugged in. These are the vehicles at higher risk and of particular appealing to thieves.

What to do if your catalytic converter is stolen?
Please contact the police and file a report immediately. Then following that experience it is recommended that you contact your insurance company. They will also want your police report file number. Your insurance company will also advise you on next steps to repair your vehicle.
If it isn’t too much trouble, share your story with me. As a Car Dealer, I am interested in helping to quash these thefts in our community. It has become increasingly upsetting that thefts in Gresham are not being pursued or prosecuted. Gathering information and stories of other Gresham residents is the first step to gaining strength. Ending theft is a lofty goal but if we come together, I am confident we can make a substantial reduction in Gresham at least.