Mustang Raffle for Doernbecher
Tickets Now On SaleI love it when Fords can do more than just take a person from one place to another. Over the years Fords have fought wars, saved lives and been the vehicle of choice for many first responders. But one of the Fords we are the proudest of is “Drives in Style to Make Children Smile”. It is a beautiful screaming lime green Ford Mustang with “Pony Power” graphics. For years this Mustang and others just as good looking have been at the center of supporting the Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship program at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.
This Mustang normally begins its journey at the Portland Auto Show in January with enthusiastic Kiwanis members at its side selling raffle tickets. Then it moves through the State of Oregon visiting every festival, carnival and County Fair from Klamath Falls to Astoria with smiling Kiwanis members continuing to sell raffle tickets (the goal is to sell all of the limited number of tickets available). These funds are so critical to the great work being done for children with cancer at Doernbecher Hospital.
This year there are a few roadblocks to the success of this project – no festivals or fairs for this fine Mustang to visit. However, the clever Kiwanis went out of the box; operating in compliance with the Oregon Department of Justice, they are selling these tickets online – $5 each or purchase 5 for $20. So, don’t miss your chance to win this Pretty Pony, but most importantly, don’t miss a chance to “make a child smile”. In the last months we have become more focused on how precious all lives are and your ticket may or may not win a Mustang, but it will help save the life of some precious child with cancer. Please go to: www.kiwanisdoernbecher.or to purchase!!
Tickets Available In-Person and Online
While tickets are available at the Gresham Ford Service Cashier, they are also available online. This is a great opportunity to support a wonderful cause and just maybe bring a little green pony home.
Kiwanis Fundraiser
Year after year the Kiwanis manage a Mustang Raffle in order of fundraising for the Pediatric Hematology and Oncology Fellowship Program at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. Only 50,000 tickets will be sold for a chance to win this 2020 Ford Mustang.